Friday, July 23, 2010


2 lovely ladies
spotted the little pussy cat button
I tucked under the flower spray
will send both of you a little Shabby RAK

It's Friday already and it's a busy day for me
after a topsie turvie week

The sickie is back at school
the other one arrives home from Urban camp today
and I need to do a bit of housework as there won't be much of that done over the weekend

So I'm getting my butt off the chair and into gear!!!!!

Hope you all have a good day
at the very least productive



amanda73 said...

wow, thanks lex(im guessing i was one of the 2 that spotted the cat button)...let me know if you need my address, thanks heaps

hope all is well with you and your family

Kathie said...

Love it Lexie and that is a cute little kitty!! Have fun sorting stuff love....